Pop Mie wants to retain its position as
the market leader of Indonesian instant cup noodles by increasing its relevance to youths today and driving more moments of consumption outside of the holiday season.
My Role:
As a Junior Planner, I worked with Strategic Planner to come up with the stimulus Pop Mie Pops the Angsty Soul, drawing from the various emotions that are experienced by Indonesian teens.
We want to change Pop Mie’s approach to communication from ‘pretending to understand the youth’ to actually speaking their language by tapping into their emotions, moods, slang, and pop culture.
The stimulus was further developed into two routes by the creative team.
Route 1 - Senang, Sedih,
Seduh (Happy, Sad, Boil)
Tapping on the fleeting emotions that Indonesian teens feel, we tell them that no matter how small, big, sad or happy those moments are, there will always be Pop Mie to accompany them.
Route 2 - Pop Up Your World
We draw similarities from the countless emotions that the teens experience with the multitude of flavours from a cup of Pop Mie, showcased through a visual language that resonates with the teens.
We won the pitch and MullenLowe become the agency for Pop Mie in 2017.